Irene integrates mind, body and spirit with evidence-based clinical approaches to heal emotional struggles and trauma, build sustainable health and wellness, and transform your life. Through deep cognitive insights, supported emotional release work, practical mindfulness and expressive arts-based exercises, Irene will guide you beyond just increased self-awareness. You will successfully free yourself from the fear, confusion, anger, sadness, helplessness and depletion that weigh you down. You will be connected to your wholeness.
Having worked and studied intensively with the renown Trauma Center of Boston under the direction of Bessel Van der Kolk, M.D., Irene uses the ARC model for addressing trauma and difficulties within individuals and relationships. She works with your attachment and relationship style, addressing and releasing core emotional wounds, and helping you build a rock-solid relationship with yourself and others. She builds your skills for emotional regulation through mindfulness exercises including meditation and mantra, while keeping things practical and accessible to you, regardless of your background. Finally, she works with you to apply your new knowledge and skills into a feeling of competency, with a focus on tangible, on-the-ground results in your life.
She does not propone a passive or overly cognitive-behavioral style of therapy leading to superficial results. Your sessions may include frank and thought-provoking two-way discussion of your emotional road blocks, including ways to support and heal your emotional fragilities; a guided mindfulness exercise; and dialogue and practice for connecting to your innate strengths, clarity, and contentment. As her client, you will be intensively engaged in your own therapeutic and healing process, and she will hold herself to the same standards of engagement. Together, you will map the course of your treatment, and in finding your own homeostasis of mind, body and spirit, you will have the tools for sustainable and life-changing results.
Irene has worked with attorneys, artists, doctors and scientists, yoga instructors, business executives, social activists, and everyone in between. She has helped hundreds of individuals, couples and families in the U.S. and around the world transform their emotional experience and reconnect with their whole and empowered selves. Her work is as powerful online as in-person. Read more about her work below or contact her today to set-up a free consultation.